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This picture is of my daughter Layne and me in front of a favorite tree in Salida, CO. Notice our almost identical tattoos. Neither of us had discussed having a tattoo done to honor Joel. Not the bamboo image, its design, its size, or its location. We each had the idea and implemented it independently with the exception of the dogwood addition which I borrowed from Layne after learning of hers. It was to be my first - I never thought I would want to get one. Those that knew Joel know that he was heavily tattooed. How does this simultaneity happen?

As I approach one week out from the start of In Joel’s Steps, still feeling like I am scrambling to get everything in place while also feeling antsy to get going, that combination of excitement and anxiety, I look at this picture and am reminded of a deeper, unseen guidance to this project. Reminded that it is but a piece of a much bigger effort by many to change how we corporately view the problem of substance addiction, that ”simultaneities” are occuring behind the scenes toward a coordinated end. That each of you is part of this process. Thank you.


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