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Day 29, July 28, Sargent, CO.

5 mile road closure on 50 with very limited passthrough east on Montrose until 2022. Started after closure and went through Gunnison to Sargent near base of Monarch. Strava issue again, unknown what is up. Just a big climb and bigger descent tomorrow takes us back to Salida. Camping in Gunnison.

At each campsite, I have had the opportunity to share what we are doing. I’m usually asked about the Elliptigo or the Airstream Basecamp. A few nights ago our neighbor inquired and I shared about our cause and the loss of our third son Joel to OUD. He was in his 70’s and expressed condolences, then said that he had three sons and fortunately they all turned out “alright”. He said this without any self-awareness or malice and I took it as it was intended, his thankfulness for their well-being. But his is exactly the unconscious and unspoken attitude I wish to address. His statement implies that someone struggling with substances is not “alright”, that there is a character or moral flaw in the person or else they would not be in the position they are in. Had I said that we lost our son to brain cancer and we were crossing the U.S. to raise awareness and funds for research and treatment for that illness, he would not have said that thankfully, his three sons “turned out alright”. These individual attitudes make up corporately the attitudinal waters we swim in. That affects treatment options and availability, insurance funding, openness to seek treatment, support of family and friends, the approach of the criminal justice system, employment, and housing availability as a partial list. Someone who struggles with substances is “alright” as a person, but is sick, and like someone with other brain illnesses, needs help.

Addiction is a treatable brain disease that disables decision-making.


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